Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had a very busy Thanksgiving week. B'Kay came in town with Tera, Scot, and Finn to celebrate Thanksgiving last weekend. We showed them around Ft. Worth and went to Fossil Rim, the wildlife park. Finn had a great time seeing Rick's family, especially playing around with his cousin Jaxx.

Finn and I went to my mom's house on Monday. We helped get everything ready for our Thanksgiving meal. On Thursday, we had our Thanksgiving lunch with my mom, Doyle, Erin, Zach, my Aunt Amy, Brent, Will, and Grandma Pruitt. It was great to see everybody and there was so much food. Finn refused to eat anything but rolls. Then, we had Thanksgiving dinner with my Dad and Grandma Donnelly.
It was a very busy week, but a lot of fun. Our family has a lot to be thankful for this year.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I know that we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet, but I have been really trying to get Finn excited about Christmas this year. So, I decided to go ahead and take Finn to get his picture taken with Santa at the mall. The closer you get to Christmas the longer the lines get, and Finn is not known for his patient line waiting.

I was worried that Finn would get scared once we got up there, because he has been going through a scaredy-cat phase. As soon as we got up there Finn quietly said "Hi Santa." I think he was in shock that he was meeting the "real" Santa. He sat on his lap and got his picture taken without a hitch or a smile. Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he told him a bell. I guess Santa is used to more grandiose requests, because he decided to find a jingle bell to give to Finn. Finn was so excited and carries that thing around everywhere singing "Jingle Bells." Finn got his one Christmas wish- a single jingle bell from Santa, just like in the movie "Polar Express." This is very sweet but I can't help but be a little disappointed that I can't hang over his head that he needs to be a good little boy or Santa won't get him anything for Christmas. Oh well.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mother's Day Out

Finn will start going to a Mother's Day Out Program on Tuesdays at the North Fort Worth Baptist Church. He is very excited about this, and has been begging me for a while to take him to school to play with "his friends." He brings a sleeping bag with him to school for naps, and this makes Finn think he is a big tough guy.

Other interesting facts about Finn....

* his new favorite food is capers. Yes, capers. He has a very sophisticated palate and calls them "baby pickles"

* his favorite sayings are "I can't like that" (like whenever you try and make him eat his dinner), and "I'm a big man". Finn hates being called a baby now.

* Finn's new favorite show is "Sesame Street". He especially loves Oscar the Grouch (go figure) and Elmo. He loves the Oscar song "I love Trash" and sings along.

* Finn wants one single jingle bell from Santa for Christmas. I think it's so sweet that Christmas hasn't become commercialized for him yet.

* Finn is counting constantly and knows all of his shapes and colors. We are working on letters...

*Finn is the puzzle king. He is really good at doing all sorts of puzzles. he did not acquire this from me.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Finn had a blast this year on Halloween. On Tuesday, we went to Boo at the Zoo. Finn dressed as a lion and got to see the animals, trick or treat, and play carnival games. On Friday night, we went to my mom's house to trick-or-treat. Finn dressed as Boss Hogg, while I was Daisy Duke and Rick was Bo Duke (or maybe it was Luke Duke.) Finn loved going door to door and yelling "Trick-or treat." When ever he got the candy, he would say "Thank you ma'am." (regardless if it was a man or woman.) Finn looked so cute, and I was excited to pick out his costume since it will probably be my last time he will let me do that.