Saturday, July 24, 2010


I guess I am willing to admit that Sloane is officially no longer a newborn (and probably hasn't been for a while.) She is getting to be such a girl! She sits up all by herself now, and it is definitely her preferred position to be in. She has started eating solids, including rice cereal, applesauce, and pears. Sloane also has been getting her two bottom teeth. Teething has not been very much fun for her or us. Sloane started of the summer pretty much sleeping through the night and has regressed to waking up several time throughout the night. We are teaching her to sleep in her crib,which she will do for a few hours every night. The other battle we are having right now is getting baby girl to take a bottle. Right now it's not going so well, and I am panicking a little bit that she will starve when she starts daycare.
Sloane is such a sweet little girl who always has a smile for a stranger. She loves to play and to be the center of attention. She has started playing with Finn and loves to beat up on him, in her own little way. She will grab at him and pull his hair. Finn better watch out in a few years! I can't even about school starting in a few weeks. I love being at home with Sloane and Finn

Fourth of July

Sloane always tries to feed herself

Sloane and Finn dressed like cows at Chick-Fil-

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Finny Finn Finn

I feel like I have only been writing posts about Sloane lately, so I wanted to catch you guys up with what is going on with the little man in my life.

1. Finn just finished swim lessons and graduated to a level 2 dolphin. He was such a good listener during his lessons and is almost completely swimming by himself.

Here is Finn swimming:

And here he is getting his certificate. He is more interested in the cookie than his acheivement.

2. Finn is going through a very bashful stage. He is very shy when meeting new people and it is like pulling teeth getting him to talk to adults.

3. Finn is starting to like big boy shows like "Superhero squad" and "Phinneas and Ferb." It makes me sad so I try and get him to watch little kids shows like "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and "Handy Manny" whenever I can.

4. Finn loves his baby sister. He calls her Sloaney and loves trying to make her laugh. Sloane is fascinated by her brother and loves watching him. Finn is jealous that Sloane has an "I love my mommy" and "I love my Daddy" shirt but no "I love my brother" shirt. Everytime we go to Target he makes me look for one. I may have to make her one.

5. Finn has two new favorite song "OMG (oh my Gosh")by Usher and the theme song from Beverly Hills Cop. Very electic taste.

6. Finn is working on learning to read. He know most of his phonics and is working on sounding out three letter words. We do "Letter of the Week" lessons to keep him occupied this summer. Here he is golf ball painting for the letter G.

7. Finn has started liking vegetables. He especially loves broccoli and green beans and will eat them before anything else on his plate. Rick is astounded that his son loves veggies so much. I really hope he isn't a picky eater like Rick and I are. Every week, I have him try a new food that starts with our letter for the week. He liked the green bell pepper for G, but hated hummus on our H week.

8. Finn has been loving riding his bike and scooter around the neighborhood. He looks so cute in his little helmet riding around. He has also been loving wrestling around with his buddy Aidan. Hereis a picture of them wrestling at their little sleepover.

9. We are about to start decorating Finn's room. After much deliberation, Finn has finally decided on a pirate theme. I'm glad because it won't be too much of a switch from his surfer themed room.

10. Finn has decided he no longer wants to be a "doggy doctor" when he grows up and instead wants to be a lifeguard. A very noble profession indeed, but a significant pay cut.

I'm having so much fun hanging out with my little boy this summer. I'm amazed at what a sweet and funny kid he is.