Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 09

We had a great Christmas this year. We are truly blessed to have such a great family and friends. I wish we had been able to see everyone in our family, and hope that next year we will be able to. Finn got really into the whole Santa thing this year and was amazed that Santa sent him a letter, a video, and gave him his Christmas wish- a dragon castle. He is so sad that Christmas is over and is refusing to let us take down the Christmas tree.

Ski School Dropout

We went to visit my Dad in Santa Fe, New Mexico for a couple of days. Finn was so excited to see snow and build a snowman. Rick and and I got to go out to dinner on the Square while my Dad watched Finn. The next day we took him skiing. We weren't sure what to expect- and when we got there we enrolled him in the Ski School. We weren't allowed to stay and watch, so Rick went snowboarding while I hung out in the cafeteria (no skiing for me). I went back after a few hours to check on Finn, and he was clearly distressed. His ski instructor said that he followed all the instructions and skied with everybody, but was crying the whole time. We didn;t do a very good job preparing him to be left alone with strangers all day. We pulled him from the class, and Rick skied with him for awhile. Finn did well, and loves being in the snow. He never complains about being too cold. I think he will be able to do a full lesson next year, and maybe try some of the bunny slopes.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Caroling

Finn went caroling with his school the week before Christmas at the Vista Oaks Retirement Center in Lakeway. He had been practicing his songs for weeks, including "Holly, Jolly Christmas", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", and "We wish you a Merry Christmas". He did a great job singing with his classmates when he got there, and loved all of the attention that he got from the senior citizens. Hwent up to each and every one shook their hand. He was quite the little politician. Afterwards, they had their Christmas party. Attached is a video of him practicing his carols, one of him performing, and pictures of him greeting everybody.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Finn is four!

I am in complete denial that my sweet baby boy turned four this week. Last Saturday he had a birthday party at Extreme fun, a bounce house play land. He had a bunch of friends come and bounce with him. He picked his party theme to be Toy Story, one of his all time favorites. He had so much fun with all of his friends.
On his actual birthday, we took Finn to go get donuts for dinner. We went to this donut stand called "Gordoughs" that has gourmet donuts. I got a maple bacon and strawberry and cream cheese donut. Rick got a candaian bacon and jalapeno donut, and Finn got donut holes covered with blue icing and raspberry sauce. They were delicious, but definitely not a dinner that we will be having again nay time soon.
I am so sad that Finn has grown up so fast, but so proud of the sweet and funny little boy that he has become.