Sunday, May 29, 2011

She's got spirit, yes she does!

Little Miss Sloane is just something else! She is definitely my spirited child. Sloane is the sweetest girl in the world, as long as you give her every single thing that you want. While this can sometimes be challenging, I know that if we steer her in the right direction her spirited quality will end up being a great thing. I just need to get through the grocery store trips where she is having a screaming fit because she can't stand the idea of being strapped in a chair for an hour while I shop.
Sloane is very happy when she is outside. She's very rarely in a bad mood when she's outside. She loves Finn and is always willing to give him a hug or a kiss. Sloane is already a jokester. She will point to Rick and say "Mama" and then laugh. It's too cute.

Sloane is sometimes a challenge, but such a joy too.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An interview with Finn

I interviewed Finn to get his exact words to update everyone on what is going on in his life. Finn loved being interviewed, and even interviewed me afterwards. He asked me questions like, "What is your favorite color guitar?" and "Which planet is your favorite?" My questions are pretty run of the mill compared to his.

So, here are his exclusive interview answers:

1. What is your favorite thing to eat/drink?

My favorite thing to drink is water. (Editor's note: This is absolutely not true. Finn would have juice at every meal if I let him.) My favorite two things to eat are ice cream and strawberries.

2. What are your favorite shows?

Justice League, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Underdog

3. What are your favorite songs?

The Itsy Bitsy Spider and the Hokey Pokey

4. What makes you sad?

When someone hurts me.

5. What makes you happy?

Funny faces and marshmallows.

6. What makes you laugh?

Jokes. I'm a joker. I make my own jokes. (ed. note: Finn has been in a writing his own jokes phase lately. here is one of his favorites- What do you call chicken in your mouth? Chicken mouth!)

7. What is love?

I love my lovey.

8. What is the best thing about school?

When we get to do fun stuff like have the firetruck come to school.

9. Who do you love to be with?

My lovey (ed. note: grrr!) and Tugboat

10. Where do you love to go?

Chuck E. Cheese's and the zoo

11. What do you know about Jesus?

He died because he was on the cross.

12. What is the best thing about being 5?

You get to do cool stuff, like learn to surf.

I love my sweet, funny boy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


My Dad and Will met up with us in San Antonio for the weekend, and it just so happened to be Fiesta week. We had no idea what Fiesta week, but we ended up really lucking out to be staying in downtown San Antonio during the festivities.

That morning we visited the San Antonio Zoo, which is such a good zoo for kids. There's so much to see there- and it has a train! Finn and Sloane loved it.

Afterwards, we headed downtown to try and get Sloane down for a nap. No such luck. Rick and Finn explored Ripley's Believe it or Not and we got to walk around the Riverwalk area. People camped out for hours to get a close view to the parade. It took a lot of dedication. we actually didn't even see the parade. I think we were eating while it was going on. Sloane and I each got a traditional Fiesta crown to wear. Sloane looked adorable in hers, but would only keep it on her head for 5 second increments.

The next day we went to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch to do the drive where you get to feed the wildlife. Finn and Sloane were both a little scared of the animals, especially the ostriches. Rightfully so. We got to feed a bunch of animals while Sloane attempted to eat some of the feed herself.

It was a fun filled weekend!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mediterranean nights

Finn, Sloane, and Aidan dancing along to the bellydancer at Phara's Greek Restaurant.