Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pioneers for the Day

On the Fourth of July weekend, we decided to visit Pioneer Farms. Pioneer Farms is a large farm with houses and stores that are replicas from pioneer days. It was in one word- hot! I don't know how pioneers did it with no AC! It was pretty interesting but I could barely stand an hour tour. Too hot! I liked how the pioneer guide showed Finn the barn that someone his age would probably sleep in and all of the chores that he would be responsible for. Makes feeding the fish and wiping down the table after dinner seem like a breeze!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It was this Big!!!!

Finn is officially a fisherman! Rick has taken him fishing a few times this past year, but he had never caught anything until now. Rick's friend, Randy, took them out on his boat on Lake Austin. Finn caught nine fish that he promptly threw back each time (good boy!). Rick says that he might of had a little help, but Finn reeled them in on his own. Finn had to rub it in to Rick and Randy and said "Why am I the only one catching all of the fish?" What a natural!