Monday, March 12, 2012

Sloane is 2!

Sloane is 2 and is officially a toddler. Wah! We celebrated by inviting all of her buddies to our house for a Minnie Mouse themed birthday party. Sloane loves Minnie Mouse. Sloane was so excited to have a few of friends over for the party. Rick's mom got Sloane a mini-trampoline as a birthday present. Our plan was to play at the park and jump on the trampoline outside BUT it ended up being too cold to hang outside for very long. So, we moved the trampoline inside. And it's still there. The kids had a lot of fun even though it got a little chaotic for awhile. Someone mentioned that at one point it was like toddler fight club in there. But everyone made it out unharmed. Happy birthday to my sweet baby girl!

I00th Day of school

Our school has a tradition where on the 100th day of school, all of the kdis dress up like they are 100 years old. They also have a day full of festivities where they have fun and games and show of their personal collections of 100 objects. Finn's was acorns. Finn was very into getting into character of being 100 years old. He wore a suit jacket and tie with a fedora type hat. We powdered his hair to make it white and armed him with a makeshift cane. He looked so cute!

Circus, circus

My dad got us tickets to the Shriner Circus for Christmas. We were a little nervous about Sloane making it through the circus, but she turned out to be a trooper. We did discover that Sloane is terrified of clowns. I tried to get a family picture with some of the clowns, but she screamed bloody murder when we got close to them. Finn was so excited to get a light up Mohawk for his souvenir. Just what every six year old boy needs.