Wednesday, November 10, 2010

8 months

Sloane turns 9 months old tomorrow, so I thought that I better write this blog tonight. Better late than never.
Sloane is getting to be such a big girl. She can stand on her own, and LOVES to show off this new skill whenever she gets the chance. It does result in some bumps and bruises on the forehead. I predict that she will be walking before she is 10 months old.
Sloane is quite the little bruiser. She gets put in "baby jail" (the dreaded exersaucer) at school for crawling over the other babies, pulling their hair, and grabbing them by the ear while taking a stroller ride. Apparently she can dish it out, but not take it. Another baby let it her have it a few days ago, and Sloane's teacher said that Sloane was besides herself. Finn and Sloane are so very different!
Sloane can say mama (first word!), dada, bye-bye, and bubba (we think for finn). Sheis just so fun to be around. She reminds me of Curious George- she's always into something that she is not supposed to be.

Monday, November 8, 2010

First Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and I especially love spending it with my kids. We had friends over to our house on Halloween night to go trick or treating as a group. We pulled the babies around in a wagon, while Finn and Aidan ran door to door getting as much candy as they could. Those boys made off like bandits. I swear this house is busting at the seams with Halloween candy. Rick made a haunted house in the for the trick or treaters. I think it was pretty mild compared to most haunted houses, but I think the neighborhood kids enjoyed it. Rick only let kids have one piece of candy, unless they attempted the haunted house. Finn even got in on the act at the end of the night, and would jump out and scare the poor little kids. He was Wolverine and his claws were pretty scary. Finn vetoed my suggestion of going as a chimney sweep from Mary Poppins. I miss getting to pick out his costumes.
Sloane was not the costume I choose for her. She was a chubby little baby owl. It was adorable when she let me have the hood on her. I think it was pure torture for her At Sloane's school, they dressed up all of the babies in their costumes and took a picture. It is a riot. I think there is only one baby who isn't screaming bloody murder. Sloane is being restrained on her teacher's lap and her face is beet red. It's very sad, yet funny at the same time.
I was so excited to be the room mom for Finn's class this year. Because I am a working mom, I won't get to be room mom when the kids are in elementary, so I am beyond excited to get a chance to do it now. I threw the Halloween party for Finn's class. It turned out pretty cute. The kids all wore their costumes, ate tons of sweets, and played games like pumpkin on the spoon races. Finn had a blast.

I can't wait for next Halloween. I'm already planning our costumes. Now I just need to convince Finn to want to be a character from Wizard of Oz, instead of a superhero.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

State Fair

We made our annual trek to the State fair a few weeks ago. We met my dad up there, as part of our annual (mostly) family tradition and to celebrate his birthday.
It was Sloane's first time at the State Fair, and there was a lot that she is too young for. She loves to people watch though, and there are tons of interesting people for her to look at.
Finn was in quite the mood. We still do not know if it was from being overtired or waking up on the wrong side of the bed, but that boy was in a FUNK! No carnival ride, game, toy, or deep fried treat get snap him out of it. I hope he does better next year.
I was able to try the deep fried butter (yuck- tastes like dough), a deep fried peanut butter cup (yum), and a deep fried margarita (awful, makes me shudder to think about it.) As gross as most of it was, trying these foods is my very favorite part of the Fair. Who knows what they will come up with next year?

We drove back to Dallas the next weekend to visit my Grandma Pruitt, who is not doing well. Please keep her in your prayers that she doesn't have to suffer.