Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sloane's Newborn Photos

Sloane had some newborn pictures done by my friend Melissa when she was almost three weeks old. Melissa is an AMAZING photographer and did such a good job getting some great shots of Sloane. I don't know how she was able to get such great photos- Sloane was not being very cooperative. Sloane had to take alot of breaks to stop and eat then we tried to get as many photos as we could before she started to cry again.
I love, love, love these photos and am so glad to be able to have these memories captured of Sloane as a newborn.
If anyone ever needs photos done you should look up Melissa with I Heart Photography. She is the best!
Here is my very favorite picture of Miss Sloanie

Here is a link to a lot of Sloane's other photos on the I Heart Photography Blog:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Video of Sloane

This video is for those of you who haven't gotten to meet Sloane yet, or haven't seen her in a while. Everyday she gets more and more playful and smiley. It's so cute. She is a morning person (go figure) and is at her happiest when she first wakes up.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

One Month old

Time is flying by- Sloane is already one month old( actually 5 weeks old today). She is getting big and strong. She loves to eat and would do so all day long if I let her, so I am working on making her put a little time in between her meals. It's too soon to do a schedule for a newborn, but things are settling into a little more of a routine. She is a total mama's girl right now and loves to nurse and be held. She hates being put down and turns her nose up at any attempts at being left in a bouncer or swing. Finn loves his little sister and is very protective of her and is quick to tell anyone "Don't hurt Sloaney." Sloane has two nicknames right now, sloaney and Budgie. Finn is working on being gentle with Sloane and remembering to be quiet when Sloane is sleeping. I am having a great time being home with my two kiddos and can't wait until Sloane can get out more.
The picture with a one on her shirt are tehse cute little stickers that my friend Katie got me. You put them on her month "birthdays"to chart her growth throughout the first year. They are too cute- and I'm hoping to make a picture collage with them after her first birthday.