Monday, August 24, 2009

Whats New

I know it has been forever since I have posted a blog, so I will try and catch everyone up with what has been going on in the Schwarz household. I started my new job teaching at an Elementary school, and Finn started going to the childcare center for teacher's kids. i think he likes it- he has started making friends and his teacher says that he is doing great. I am around 4 months pregnant now. I will find out in a month the gender of the baby, hopefully. Believe me, when I find out I will let everybody know.

We had a great final vacation in Rockport with my dad and Will. Finn loves going to the beach.

Finn had his last t-ball team and got a trophy (everyone did) that he likes to call the Piston Cup. He starts soccer in September with most of the same kids.

My grandma is back in the hospital so please pray that she has a speedy recovery.

I'll attach a bunch of random pictures.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


We lost our sweet dog Governor this past week. He swallowed a ball, and had surgery to have it removed. The surgery seemed to go well, but his inestines ruptured the next day. Finn lost one of his best friends. We will definitely miss Governor!