Tuesday, June 21, 2011

VBS 2011

I spent the first week of summer vacation...teaching! For the third year in a row, I taught Finn's Vacation Bible School class. Sloane hung out in the nursery while I led a class of 22 five year olds. It was a lot of work, but fun too. The theme was "New York, the Big Apple." The kids had fun dressing up for the different themes- crazy socks, crazy hair, etc. Finn had a lot of fun hanging out with his friends, learning bible stories, doing arts and crafts, and playing outside. The last day of VBS Finn and his class put on a performance for the church, singing and dancing four songs. Last year Finn froze up and wouldn't move a muscle. This year, Finn got really into it and sang and danced to every song We were so proud of him! I had a mini-melt down that after the show. Next year at VBS, Finn will no longer be the pre-school group. All of a sudden it hit me what a big boy Finn is becoming. I can't even imagine how I'll do when Finn goes to his first day of Kindergarten.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Congress Avenue Mile

Finn and I ran a mile in order to support the Citizens School program for AISD. Erin volunteered there for a semester teaching a class about writing. It is a great program that benefited at risk children of Austin, and unfortunately will probably be cut next year due to the school budget crisis.
It was Finn's first race and he was a trooper! He ran the whole time, holding my hand most of the way. He got tired but kept on running. He ran a 10 and a half minute mile. I'm so proud of my little runner!